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G'DAY, Аustralia!
Siberian Vodka Company is entering new continents.
«Золотая осень» одарила золотом!
На 21-й Российской агропромышленной выставке «Золотая осень 2019» Сибирская Водочная Компания получила очередную золотую медаль и диплом.
The priority is QUALITY.
The products of the Siberian Vodka Company were tested for safety requirements and nutritional value of food products.
It is time of the Master of the Steppe.
Replenishment in the line of one of our leading brands! We are glad to present you a novelty from the Siberian Vodka Company – vodka «Master of the Steppe»!
SVC continues to conquer Europe.
These days in Dusseldorf, Germany, Siberian Vodka Company takes part in ProWein 2019 the 26th specialized exhibition of wine and spirits.
Victories of SVC at PRODEXPO 2019. Part 3.
The results of the XXI tasting competition at the PRODEXPO 2019 International fair were summed up.
Victories of SVC at PRODEXPO 2019. Part 2.
The results of the XXI tasting competition at the PRODEXPO 2019 International fair were summed up.
Victories of SVC at PRODEXPO 2019. Part 1.
The results of the XXI tasting competition at the PRODEXPO 2019 International fair were summed up.
Siberian Vodka Company at the «PRODEXPO-2019»
February 11-15, 2019 Siberian Vodka Company takes part in the largest food forum - "PRODEXPO 2019" International exhibition.
Guests from China
Representatives of the Chinese trade enterprise visited the plant of the Siberian Vodka Company in Mariinsk.